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Home » Second floor » Playroom



The playroom located on the second floor is a wonderful room that offers entertainment and relaxation hours to the residents. The guest house and the two bedrooms are accessible from the playroom. A big pool table is in the middle of the room, next to the big stone fireplace. The playroom has a big window with a great view to the Aegean sea.


The playroom pool table

The playroom pool table

The stone fireplace in the playroom

The stone fireplace in the playroom

The ceiling in the playroom

The ceiling in the playroom

The playroom

The playroom

The playroom

The playroom

The ceiling in the playroom

The ceiling in the playroom

The great view to the Aegean sea from the playroom window

The great view to the Aegean sea from the playroom window

The great view to the Aegean sea from the playroom window

The great view to the Aegean sea from the playroom window

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